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vom Mitglied: Campy

Cheesy Chicken, Vegetable & Rice Casserole

Delightful hearty chicken, cheddar, rice and mixed vegetable casserole.



  1. Heat oven to 375 °F (190 °C).
  2. Stir soup, water, rice, onion powder, black pepper and vegetables in a 2-quart shallow baking dish.
  3. Top with the chicken. Cover the baking dish.
  4. Bake for 50 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and the rice is tender.
  5. Top with the cheese. Let the casserole stand for 10 minutes.
  6. Stir the rice before serving.
531 Mitglieder haben dieses Rezept ihrem Kochbuch hinzugefügt.

My kids actually like this, so it's one of our stock recipes. I use cream of mushroom instead of cream of chicken and add spices to make it more flavorful. If you don't add some spice it will be kind of bland, so if you follow this to the letter you may be disappointed. But, add spices that you like (pepper, paprika, italian seasoning, etc.) and you'll come to love this meal. A one dish meal, how can you beat that!
user vote
24 Aug 12 vom Mitglied: mars2kids
Made this tonight for my mom & I. It sounded really good, but it turned out to be bland. It didn't have any flavor. However, I left my plate on the table and my cat jumped up there and ate the cheese off the chicken -__- At least he liked it.
user vote
19 Aug 12 vom Mitglied: Itsalexisdarling
Rice may need to be cooked longer
user vote
23 Mrz 12 vom Mitglied: Sretho
I always cut the chicken up before and brown it a little. I also season the chicken with some garlic salt to amp up the taste.
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04 Feb 12 vom Mitglied: Casmith0619
Easy to make but lacks a little flavor. Maybe use stock instead of water and and some garlic and bell peppers.
user vote
25 Jan 12 vom Mitglied: J_DIVA
considering making this dish but can I cut the chicken up instead or just put it in whole? Also has anyone used reg veggies instead of frozen?
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07 Jan 12 vom Mitglied: gingeh39
I've made this twice now, and it always seems to take 30min more to cook than the recipe says. Otherwise it's a great recipe!
user vote
28 Okt 11 vom Mitglied: hpolum
I didn't love this one, but I used Basmati rice, which didn't quite cook through, so it was...well...crunchy. I would suggest using about less rice (and maybe cut down the water a bit to balance) and the full bag of vegetables (I used frozen broccoli, cauliflower and carrots). Also, I used 90% fat-free cream of chicken, which really killed the flavor. Next time, brown rice and regular condensed soup for sure!
user vote
22 Okt 11 vom Mitglied: MoreKelBelle
Very good and very easy!!!
user vote
17 Sep 11 vom Mitglied: lucydalia
Very good recipe. I seasoned the chicken breasts before I put it in the oven with salt-free greek seasoning which made it very flavorful. I also used fatfree cream of chicken soup and brown rice instead of white. It turned out great!
user vote
12 Aug 11 vom Mitglied: Scootergranny
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Es sind 354 Kalorien in 1 Portion Cheesy Chicken, Vegetable & Rice Casserole.
Kalorien Analyse: 25% fett, 31% kohlh, 43% eiw.

pro portion
pro portion
1480 kJ
354 kcal
Gesättigte Fette
Einfach ungesättigte Fette
Mehrfach ungesättigte Fette
vom ETB*
(354 kal)
18% ETB
Kalorien Analyse:
Kohlenhydrate (32%)
Fett (25%)
Eiweiß (43%)
*Basierend auf einem ETB von 2000 Kalorien

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